Luke's Blog

Sunday, June 25, 2006

wonderful zürich

so weve been in zürich for a few days and willbe heading home in a few hours.

its pretty cool here,not a scenic as lucerne as its not surrounded by snow capped mountains but cool never the less. we went out to a smicko club last night, 30swiss francs entry fee! and 4 drinks cost me 70! fücking exe. (a franc is about the same as an aussie dollar). lucky this trip is on the pound so it was comforting that way

did a cruise along the lake yesterday and walked through the town, pretty cool. will post pics when i get home

anyway that will do internet is exe here just like everything else



  • Kaufleuten was the name of the club. It was pretty nice, but full of pretentious swissies.

    By Blogger Callan, at 6:07 AM  

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