Day 4
Headed to Nice. Nice is famous for its beaches. Compared to Aus standards they wouldn’t even be called a beach. The beach is made from big dark pebbles and there’s no waves.
But the reason you go to Nice is not what the beach looks like, but who’s on the beach and more to the point, what they are wearing (a piece of string usually - guys included). Unfortunately, it was April and the temp was barely 20, so no one was on the beach at all. We arrived in the arvo, and headed for dinner in the tiny country of Monaco to begin what was the best night of the tour. Dinner included all the wine you can drink, so we got our money’s worth.
After downing 8 glassess of red and white, I was ready for a big night. After dinner we checked out the famous casino’s. There are 2 right next to each other, one is the famous but expensive one, the other was cheaper. I went to the cheaper one as I wanted to actually bet and 25€ as a minimum bet more than I wanted to spend. Anyway I lost 42€ on craps but I had fun. On the way out we checked out the carpark for the expensive casino. A jag was the cheapest car there, it was loaded with Ferrari’s, Rolls and Bentley’s.

And then we headed back to Nice. By this time everyone was pretty well smashed and mucking around, I found this pink belt and decided to wear it all night (I still have it) but the best was when a guy and girl from the tour decided they liked each other’s clothes so much they swapped and this was inside the bar we were in! So we were in this smokey Irish bar with a band playing upstairs. They were selling Corona’s for 3€ so I stuck to them (2 at a time though). Curtis, a guy on the tour (who coincidentally went to the same high school as me) was talking with this group of 5 American girls. All of us single guys soon took notice and began inching our way over, then practically all at once we pounced! The tour guide though it was hilarious. In the end they had to go to another place, just as Jeremey was at the bar paying for 5 beers for them. He drowned his sorrows by drinking them all in quick succession. Eventually I went upstairs to check out the band. They were pretty good, playing all these covers. There was a few of us moshing up the front, having a riot of a time.
The singer was getting us all to sing into the mike, but when it came my turn, nothing came out. I had lost my voice at the start of the trip and by then it was completely gone, a little embarrassing but funny too. Anyway, it was a great atmosphere at the pub, 45 out of the 48 on our tour were out, everyone was having a blast, even these 2 Chinese girls who sculled their pints as the pub closed at 3am. About 25 of us were still charging so we headed to a nightclub around the corner. We were all dancing around, I got grabbed by a few girls on account of the belt, then 2 of us started talking with 3 local French girls. We got them a drink then discovered the were 16! Turns out the legal drinking age in Europe is 16, I pretty well freaked and walked out of that situation. Eventually we clamoured home via a taxi, chatted for a bit at the hotel and finally crashed at 6.30am. That was a cool night.